
How To: AI and Information Management for Local Government

Written by Jason W. D. Cassidy | Feb 11, 2025

Staff finding what they need to do their jobs, balanced with Security, Privacy, and Compliance with Record Keeping Policy and Law.

There are TWO primary use cases that I am considering here:

1. Using AI as part of document, files, media, and data search.  Instead of searching using keywords, then reading each document, you can simply ask the computer questions of your documents, and it will give you accurate answers, give its justification as to why it answered, provide an audit of the documents used to calculate the answers so you are covered from a justification and validation standpoint.

2. Using AI to better organise your Documents, Files, Media, and data.  The old way use to be to write code and rules to identify critical content in documents.  Now you can just write prompts like "list the drugs cited in this document" or "who was the approving engineer on this document" and the system will find this information for every document, make it reportable and searchable so you can take the right actions.

If you have file shares, e-mail, m365 and other (LaserFiche, M-Files, lots of others!) your knee-jerk reaction would be to consolidate to a single platform.  This may or may not be a valuable venture, but I want to show you that it DOES NOT MATTER for the sake of getting the most value from your Documents, Files, Media, and Records.

Here's the trick - the Most Cost-Effective Approach Happens to be the Most Secure, Private, and Highest Performance

Cost Effective - Have you heard the latest grumblings about skyrocketing charges of cloud providers?  Have you heard the latest proof points that private AI models are faster and cheaper.  It's true.  BUT, you need both a guide and some software to get there.

Secure - When you put your stuff in Google/Microsoft/Facebook/etc. not only are you risking the exposure to 3rd parties in other countries, you know these companies are creating AI models from your valuable data as per their terms of service.

Privacy - The only way to truly control what private information of your customers, prospects, and staff gets exposed to 3rd parties, is to restrict access to processes you control.

Here's the approach:

As part of a network you control (i.e. on your premises, or in your cloud) we work together to setup a Shinydocs Pro instance to create an inventory of your content.

Shinydocs Pro includes Private AI models - these are the same things used by the big cloud companies (Meta's Llama, OpenAI's GPT3, etc.) but you have complete private and secure control over the data, and NOTHING is made available to Shinydocs or any 3rd party.

We are your guide on how to setup and configure everything.  You get all the power promised by the big cloud vendors, at less cost, and ensuring security and privacy.  And you are seen in your organisation providing something that is truly cool and appreciated by staff.

What you get:

- Comfort knowing your documents, files, media, and data is securely accessed by staff in the most ergonomic way, while minimising the cost of record keeping and compliance.

- A complete audit history of what has been done to your data as part of this process and who is accessing it going forward.

- A continuous program for ensuring you will always know the value of your data and how it relates  to your business.