
Episode 22: The Big Picture of Information Governance with Mark Diamond

Written by Jason W. D. Cassidy | Jan 28, 2022

In this episode of Enterprise Intelligence, host Jason Cassidy is joined by Mark Diamond in the second part of their discussion on how to actually go about doing this and how some of the most important work for companies starts at the ‘tip of the spear’. Learn more: 

The old ways of building a records retention schedule by yourself are a thing of the past. A modern information governance program involves engaging a number of stakeholders and a number of different skill-sets. 

Mark Diamond is the Founder, President & CEO of Contoural, Inc. and is a leading industry thought leader in information governance. His company has helped more than 30% of the Fortune 500 plus many mid-sized and smaller organizations as well as public sector entities. As a trusted advisor, he and his company help bridge legal, compliance and business needs and policies with effective legal and IT strategies and processes.  Under his leadership, Contoural has grown to be the largest independent provider of Information Governance strategic consulting services.

For more of Mark’s insights, follow him on LinkedIn: